I decided to find a site everyday
that has some reason to use bandwidth beginning Labor Day 1996..
The First Year! Year Two!!!
September 98 |
Voted Best Online Roleplaying Game 1997,1998 by the MudJournal
What makes a site qualify for a listing on this page? Some sites require plug-ins or may take some time to download
5/30/99....Deep Sea World 5/29/99....Bristol Zoo 5/28/99....Blue Fly 5/27/99....Boo!! 5/26/99....Spam Recycling 5/25/99....TISPA 5/24/99...Urban Decay 5/23/99....Trivia Bytes 5/22/99....Messy Gourmet 5/21/99....Shout Cast 5/20/99....Win Amp 5/18/99....WOW! 5/17/99....pass the fork 5/16/99....Find a golden arches near you. 5/15/99....Business Camp 5/14/99....Lion and Lamb 5/13/99....V 2 Music 5/12/99....Zero Xenon 26 5/11/99....The Mummy 5/10/99....Dilberito 5/9/99....Nicotrol 5/8/99....Cannes Film Festival 5/7/99....New YorkObserver 5/6/99....Primates 5/5/99....Transcasts 5/4/99.... Eggs! 5/3/99....Radio Valve , open it up! 5/2/99....44k 5/1/99....Basic DJ's
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