I decided to find a site everyday that has some reason to use bandwidth beginning Labor Day 1996..

The First Year!
Past Listings














© 1996-1997
Paisley Amoeba
One Year LinkExchange Member

Welcome to the 2nd Year of this Cool Site stuff!

What makes a site qualify for a listing on this page?
Simply put, coolness of some kind.
Design, content, music, usefulness,
weirdness, or just something, that...
makes you look at the entire site.

Caution: some sites require plug-ins or may take some time to download

    10/1/97....Hmmm, do laundry? Nawww, buy new ones

    10/2/97...Get your Degree on the net!

    Going to try to do all Halloween links this month.
    **Caution: some of these links may be simply disgusting
    or represent different view points*
    10/3/97...It is getting closer...Halloweeen

    10/4/97...Halloween is here!!!

    10/5/97...Ministry of Sound

    10/6/97....Got ISDN? Ozzy does!

    10/7/97....Halloween Movies

    10/8/97....Is your bathroom scary?

    10/9/97....Searching for something scary or halloweenish?

    10/10/97...Do Search on yahoo

    10/11/97....The coolest online game on the planet!!!

    10/12/97....The real castle of Dracula

    10/13/97....Frakenstein and his author

    10/14/97...The Great Halloween Quiz

    10/15/97....The Haunted Online Magazine.

    10/16/97... Allen's Halloween page.

    10/17/97.... Family.Com's Halloween page

    10/17/97....The Shadowlands

    10/18/97....Almost as cool as Moongate, it's Medievia

    10/19/97...Did you know, that you could purchase corpses on the internet?

    10/20/97...Another great Darksite

    10/21/97....Salem , Mass. The Witch City

    10/22/97...It's Halloween , let's have a parade????

    10/23/97....web gravestones

    10/24/97...Cool Halloween Company

    10/25/97....A Haunted House

    10/26/97....The true origin and meaning of the holiday five days away.

    10/27/97....Now, since we know Halloween is about dead people..Let's Find A Grave

    10/28/97...You wanna see something really scary? How about what people that play Quake, Really look like

    10/29/97.... Still need Halloween supplies?

    10/30/97...The Halloween Search engine

    10/31/97..Live Halloween Party! Yes, It's online party time.

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